TCP J04291884+4354232 possible nova mag 10.2

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Robin Leadbeater
Posts: 1940
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TCP J04291884+4354232 possible nova mag 10.2

Post by Robin Leadbeater »

TCP J04291884+4354232 possible nova mag 10.2



-----Original Message-----
From: vsnet-alert <> On Behalf Of Patrick Schmeer via vsnet-alert
Sent: 26 November 2020 00:00
Subject: [vsnet-alert 25005] Re: TCP J04291884+4354232: possible nova

TCP J04291884+4354232 = TCP J04291888+4354233 (N:) Apparently independent discovery by Stanislav Korotkij, Kirill Sokolovskij, and Ol'ga Smol'yankina: ... 54233.html

Spectroscopy and multiband photometry are required.

Clear skies,
Am Mittwoch, 25. November 2020, 22:37:00 MEZ hat Kojiguchi Naoto <> Folgendes geschrieben:

TCP J04291884+4354232: possible classical nova

Large amplitude outburst of 9.2 mag. Possible classical nova.

For details see: ... 54232.html

ASAS-SN Sky Patrol: ... 4675cddf88

042918.85 +435422.96 Gaia_DR2_253363969082993664 Plx=-0.0580(0.5801) pmRA=0.291(1.602) pmDE=-1.649(0.829) G=19.8703(0.0067)
042918.85 +435422.94 PSO_J042918.854+435422.938 g=20.2318(0.0837) r=19.8459(0.0193) i=19.6555(0.0220) z=19.5819(0.0259) y=19.4822(0.0522)
LHIRES III #29 ATIK314 ALPY 600/200 ATIK428 Star Analyser 100/200 C11 EQ6
Robin Leadbeater
Posts: 1940
Joined: Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:41 pm

Re: TCP J04291884+4354232 possible nova mag 10.2

Post by Robin Leadbeater »

Now confirmed as a classical nova

The confirming spectrum was taken with an ALPY600 and 10 inch telescope by the Italian ANS collaboration

(Here it was clear earlier last night but the arrival of the alert in my in box coincided with that of the clouds)

LHIRES III #29 ATIK314 ALPY 600/200 ATIK428 Star Analyser 100/200 C11 EQ6
Francois Teyssier
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Re: TCP J04291884+4354232 possible nova mag 10.2

Post by Francois Teyssier »

The page is ready : ... er2020.htm

Please use Nova Per 2020 as OBJNAME
Last edited by Francois Teyssier on Fri Nov 27, 2020 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Francois Teyssier
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Re: TCP J04291884+4354232 possible nova mag 10.2

Post by Francois Teyssier »

Un "peu" brumeux (Altaïr est à peine visible)
Mais, c'est bien elle.
novaper2020.PNG (324.16 KiB) Viewed 12613 times
Olivier GARDE
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Re: TCP J04291884+4354232 possible nova mag 10.2

Post by Olivier GARDE »

Le ciel est loin d'être clair chez moi (brume ou brouillard aussi)
Mais voici un spectre brut de 1200s avec l'eShel


Je continue, on vera bien....
LHIRES III #5, LISA, e-Shel, C14, RC400 Astrosib, AP1600
Forrest Sims
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Re: TCP J04291884+4354232 possible nova mag 10.2

Post by Forrest Sims »

Hi all,
I had luck with the weather and was able to capture the spectrum of this object with my LISA. I have tentatively identified a few lines. Thanks Robin and François for the alert. The fits data has been submitted to the ARAS database. Olivier, I hope your clouds go away and we get to see a high resolution spectrum soon:)

novaper2020_20201127_239_Forrest Sims.png
James Ley
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Re: TCP J04291884+4354232 possible nova mag 10.2

Post by James Ley »

Great spectrum Woody.
I recorded mine with my ALPY a little before you. I'll probably have to reprocess a little bit.
novaper2020_20201127_129_Jim Ley.png
Shelyak Alpy 600 (spectroscope, guiding module and calibration module) | GSO 8" f/4 | Orion Atlas Pro | ZWO ASI178MM-Cool (mono) | ZWO ASI290 Mini (mono)
"think like a photon" -- Steve Shore
Jacques Michelet
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Re: TCP J04291884+4354232 possible nova mag 10.2

Post by Jacques Michelet »

Yet another one. Clouds prevented me to exposure for more than an hour.
Nova Per 2020
Nova Per 2020
NovaPer2020_20201126T202133.png (39.45 KiB) Viewed 12495 times
David Boyd
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Re: TCP J04291884+4354232 possible nova mag 10.2

Post by David Boyd »

Here is the first of two spectra I was able to record last night, 26th Nov. Thick fog eventually ended observations.
Nova Per 2020 Nov 26.772.png
Nova Per 2020 Nov 26.772.png (28.75 KiB) Viewed 12477 times
Olivier GARDE
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Re: TCP J04291884+4354232 possible nova mag 10.2

Post by Olivier GARDE »

Last night was not very fine with some fog...

But I have some results with an eShel spectrograph R=11000 and RC400 Astrosib.

The target in the auto guiding field (ATIK 314L+)

And the full spectrum of all the exposure taken during all the night (28 exposures of 1200s each)

The spectrum is very noisy specially in the blue end.

Because the target move from 37 to 88 degrees in altitude, I separated my observation in 4 parts of 2 hours each. (Can't use the same instrumental Response)
Here's the evolution of H Alpha and H beta during the night


And an animation center on H alpha line during the night. We can see the evolution of the P Cyg profil and mesure the ejecta velocity (around 1000km/s for H Alpha, less for H beta)

And if we put all the Balmer lines together we see that the velocity is not the same with all the Balmer lines.

Many lines presents P Cyg profil like He 5876 Å
LHIRES III #5, LISA, e-Shel, C14, RC400 Astrosib, AP1600
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