Design, construction, tuning of spectroscopes
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Joan Guarro Flo
Posts: 622
Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:50 pm


Post by Joan Guarro Flo »

Hello at all,

Following François Teyssier's suggestions about that our spectrographic observations should be accompanied of photometric ones, because sometimes it would be very useful to in the generic analyst work I've decided mount photometric V instruments in the Piera and SMM telescopes taking advantage of my two ATIK 460EX. So in a few weeks I'll try to make the first tests.

Every time the analysts need more information due their studies there are more exhaustives and are increasing in complexity, which is normal in modern astrophysics, so they need more suitable data above the stars that are the object of their job. Some of them told me that they really appreciated our observations, because these are valuable and effective information.

From my point of view, we would be really carefully when we're designing a spectrograph, we should take into account if their results could reach sufficiently attractives, practices and with high utility for the spectra analystes, at least that we only find a personal satisfaction or that it
doesn't important for us that our results sleeping in a database without nobody wakes up them.

But the current scientific challenges ask a bit more. Talking about high resolution, it seems that it is very useful from a R=6000, - without noise -, and observing only H alpha region will be insufficient nearly, - worse if its graphic doesn't have He 6678 line -. The analysts will need other
regions of the spectra, such H, He, Fe, O, etc. We have a great example of taking advantage of that in Paolo Berardi's observations, he moved masterly his LHIRES III obtaining very impressive and useful results. Of course, the echelle spectrographs are the best tool for it.

Only one example, the las RS Oph publication by Pandey, Ruchi ; Habtie, Gesesew R. ; Bandyopadhyay, Rahul ; Das, Ramkrishna, it has had
a surprise for F.Teyssier and myself, because we didn't know all of them before. It happened that they chose our RS Oph NOU_T among all other observations from the ARAS spectral database.

Little by little the echelle spectrographs will prevail and when enough of them are working, they will dominate the high resolution.

Really achieve an echelle spectrograph is expensive, but not so much, you have some options to reach one echelle for around €5000 completely finished, if you can't afford a commercial one.

The ATIK 460EX, if you have one, is a suitable camera, but better is the ASI1600MM, remember C.Buil based his improvement on managing software with it. But you need to keep in mind the camera characteristics can increase the detectivity of your equipment a lot, a lot. In my opinion and paying attention ZWO says referent to ASI294MMPro, it is a definitive echelle camera for years.

You know, I've expressed, - I believe honestly -, my opinion, so thanks for reading it.

Best regards, Joan Guarro.
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