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Publication about AG Peg

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:20 pm
by Francois Teyssier
Gavin Ramsay, who is studying with Jennifer Sokolovski, has published a paper about AG Pe outburst in 2016
Swift observations of the 2015 outburst of AG Peg -- from slow nova to classical symbiotic outburst

The authors used ARAS spectra and aknowledge ARAS observers

We also thank Francois Teyssier for altering us to the many amateur spectroscopic
observations which have been made and we acknowledge
and thank Francois Teyssier, Umberto Sollecchia,
Joan Guarro Flo, Jacques Montier, Peter Somogyi,
Keith Graham and V Bouttard for use of their spectra.

This is an important paper for us, the first about a symbiotic (after many concerning novae and ATel about cataclysmics)
Thank you very much to ALL contributors for the dense coverage and the quality of the spectra. So, let's go on.

François Teyssier