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IV Vir - 25Jun17

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 12:21 am
by James Foster
Here is a spectrum of IV Vir (SIMBAD spectra class K2e) taken from Mt. Pinos, CA on 25Jun17:
Shot with the LISA spectroscope using a 23 micron slit through a 33cm aperture reflector working at F/7.5 for 6x300 sec exposures 2x2 binning. This was shot at very low
altitude (less than 25 degrees high) but because of the high transparency/darkness of this high altitude site (2500 meters) the spectrum came out satisfactory.

Please note that I did a -205.278 km/sec (SINBAD) rotational correction in PlotSpectra on this object to get the Balmer emissions to better line-up.
