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HD276886: outburst?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 1:23 am
by Simon de Visscher
Dear all,

I haven't posted for a long time and I'm currently slowly coming back to astro after a quite long absence.
Yesterday was the first spectro night since about a year I think, and I started to point some Be stars, extracted from the ARAS-BeAM list of Be "to observe".

One of the targets was ... =HD+276886

And the spectrum I get is:


That is taken with a LISA (35um slit) mounted on a Newton 400F5

Since it is the first time I take spectra of Be stars I do not know what to expect but comparing with other Be spectra the Ha peak seems reeaaaally big. And the Hbeta region is also in emission. Is that an outburst?

