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by Francois Cochard
Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:05 am
Forum: Software Demetra
Topic: What would you like to see in Demetra ?
Replies: 24
Views: 46515

Re: What would you like to see in Demetra ?

Hello David, This is an interesting question, that have already been discussed some time ago (not on this forum, I think). Demetra controls the cameras through the ASCOM platform, which makes a universal interface between any camera and any software. In this context, this is the responsibility of th...
by Francois Cochard
Thu Feb 04, 2021 2:58 pm
Forum: Sol'Ex/Star'Ex
Topic: Démarrage du projet Sol'Ex
Replies: 14
Views: 15873

Re: Démarrage du projet Sol'Ex

Hi, A quick reply to Robin about the posibility to reuse the Sol'Ex doublets in the Lhires III. The quick answer is NO, because the Lhires III uses the same lens for collimator and objective (Littrow architecture), where the UVEX has two different lens. But anyway, I would be curious to see how both...
by Francois Cochard
Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:47 pm
Forum: Software Demetra
Topic: What would you like to see in Demetra ?
Replies: 24
Views: 46515

Re: What would you like to see in Demetra ?

J'en viens aux remarques de Jean-Paul (merci, Jean-Paul !). 1 question: Quel format de données numérique dans le Fits en entée? Entier 16bits (signé ou non) ou Réel (je fais des acquisitions avec Prism) En gros, la logique est la suivante : les acquisitions sont faites en 16 bits, mais dès qu'on fai...
by Francois Cochard
Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:16 pm
Forum: Software Demetra
Topic: What would you like to see in Demetra ?
Replies: 24
Views: 46515

Re: What would you like to see in Demetra ?

Hello all, I reply here to the message from Hubert, then I'll reply in a separate post to Jean-Paul. Bonjour à tous, Je commence par répondre au message de Hubert, puis je répondrai dans le post suivant aux questions & suggestions de Jean-Paul. Bonjour, Quand, quelque chose sur un profil 1D me p...
by Francois Cochard
Fri May 15, 2020 11:44 am
Forum: Software Demetra
Topic: Mesure FWHM dans Demetra
Replies: 8
Views: 7527

Re: Mesure FWHM dans Demetra

Hello all, Intéressant... cet outil de focalisation avait été imaginé au tout début de Demetra, mais il ne marche pas vraiment dans des conditions "normales"... avec un Alpy. On l'a laissé dans Demetra pour le moment, mais c'est à améliorer. Mais je suppose qu'avec un LISA, ça peut très bi...
by Francois Cochard
Mon May 11, 2020 8:24 am
Forum: Software Demetra
Topic: What would you like to see in Demetra ?
Replies: 24
Views: 46515

Re: What would you like to see in Demetra ?

Hi Robin, Several good points... - Regarding the flexible calibration, we have it in Demetra! You can make your own "reference lines list" - but the advantage is that the lines are detected automatically. Well... this is probably something we could show you in live. It could be a good oppo...
by Francois Cochard
Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:42 am
Forum: Software Demetra
Topic: What would you like to see in Demetra ?
Replies: 24
Views: 46515

Re: What would you like to see in Demetra ?

Hello Jacques, This is a good idea! We started something long time ago, to help focusing the Alpy 600 ; this is still to be improved. But the LISA focusing way is very different: we do it on the calibration light. Well... I put this in the list, and we'll see what can be done. Anyway, making tools t...
by Francois Cochard
Thu Jan 02, 2020 3:37 pm
Forum: Software Demetra
Topic: What would you like to see in Demetra ?
Replies: 24
Views: 46515

Re: What would you like to see in Demetra ?

Hello all, Some more details about the calibration in Demetra (to reply to your requests, Tony and Michel). We're currently working on a significant improvement of the calibration tool. We consider that the automatic calibration is the normal way to use Demetra, but we know that sometime we need to ...
by Francois Cochard
Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:52 am
Forum: Spectroscopes and Softwares
Topic: About the calibration of blue spectral domain
Replies: 10
Views: 10291

Re: About the calibration of blue spectral domain

Christian, Démonstration impressionnante - j'ai bien noté (il y a déjà un moment) le besoin d'un ADC (:>). Il y a tout de même une chose que je ne comprends pas bien ici : tu fais comment pour calculer l'effet du chromatisme ? C'est purement théorique en modélisant une étoile affectée de chromatisme...
by Francois Cochard
Fri Jun 08, 2018 5:04 pm
Forum: Beginners corner
Topic: soucis dispersion avec Demetra
Replies: 5
Views: 5394

Re: soucis dispersion avec Demetra

Gérard, Dans Demetra, tu peux faire un ZIP pour une observation : ça met dans un seul fichier (zip) toutes les images et infos de l'observation. Si tu nous envoies ce fichier, pour l'observation qui coince, on peut reproduire exactement ton problème. Tu peux faire ça ? Quand tu es dans le module des...