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Re: SN 2020uxz in NGC514

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 8:32 am
by Frederic Pastor
Merci à vous trois pour vos encouragements et conseils :D

En effet, j'ai pris la mauvaise habitude de ne pas assez renseigner les spec, en en-tête.

Sur cette deuxième prise, je suis resté sur la même étoile de ref et même temps de pose (ayant observé assez de signal): 7 x 10 min

Pour mon set up: tube Newton 254mm Skywatcher + camera acquisition Atik 314L + camera guidage zwo 178mm

Un set up assez modeste, comme le suggère Daniel :D , mais je pense compensé par un excellent seeing ce soir là et surtout un super site d'observation à 800 mètres d'haltitude, dans les Pyrénées.

A très bientôt.


Re: SN 2020uxz in NGC514

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:10 am
by Robin Leadbeater
Hello Fred,

Are you going to add them to your spectra in the BAA database? It would make a nice series combined with mine there ... &multi=yes


Re: SN 2020uxz in NGC514

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:36 am
by Frederic Pastor
Hi Robin,

Excellent idea. Will do it shortly.

In the meantime, I moved my telescope again on SN 2020uxz last few days, but didn't dare to take spectrum regarding the faint situation (and limit of my set up). According to Prism, I found a Magnitude of 14.9 by comparison.

Below my guiding view and AAVSO data which confirm a mag near to 15:
SN2020uxz guiding view
SN2020uxz guiding view
photometry AAVSO
photometry AAVSO
photometry SN2020uxz (1).PNG (30.05 KiB) Viewed 3552 times
Thanks again Robin.

