Nouveau Echelle Linx

Design, construction, tuning of spectroscopes
Information and discussion about softwares (telescope remote, autoguiding, acquisition, spectral processing ...)
Francisco Campos
Posts: 88
Joined: Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:13 pm

Re: Nouveau Echelle Linx

Post by Francisco Campos »

Extraordinari, Joan,

I don't have enough words to describe your work. With a resolution of 9000 covering the whole visible spectrum... it is necessary to ask for more? Ok, there will be some astrophysics that look for resolutions higher than 10.000, but they won't reject a spectrum of this quality... and a very affortable price.

Do you think that a ST-8XME is a good option for this spectrograph? I think the chip size is more or less the same as the Atik 460ex one, but with bigger pixels.

Salut i força al canut!
etienne bertrand
Posts: 1040
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Re: Nouveau Echelle Linx

Post by etienne bertrand »

Thanks for the photos Joan, very good work !!!
Joan Guarro Flo
Posts: 627
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Re: Nouveau Echelle Linx

Post by Joan Guarro Flo »

Bon dia Fran,
usually work with binning x2 (pixels, 9:08 x 9:08), will step numbers of the current dispersion and as areas comparative of ATIK460ex and ST-8XME.

I think you should enter the C.Buil website, where you will see the performance of the two cameras.

  The ST-8XME is a very good camera, Tenin in mind that it can cool water. This simplifies considering the spectrograph and CCD are fixed. There hung the telescope.

My problem now is to get a good guide, with the Audela, I'm losing 35% of exposure time. The REMOT of Sta. Maria works through Rural Internet and PRISM or ASTROART, eat too much bandwidth.

The MAXIMDL, (of more austere presentation), could work well but it has to guiding specific for spectrography?

What do you use?

Ben amicalment, Joan.
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Francisco Campos
Posts: 88
Joined: Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:13 pm

Re: Nouveau Echelle Linx

Post by Francisco Campos »

Thank you for your reseignements, Joan,

although we have talk by telephone about guiding, I summarize what we have been discussing becuse some people may have any interest.

To guide I use PHD2 Guiding, it's freeware and I think it is very easy and comfortable to use. Also, you can calibrate your mount (backlash included) and fine tune the guiding parametres like backlash, agressivity, minimim movement (useful under bad seeing)... PHD means "Push Here, Dummy" :D

The main problem for me is that I use the Atik 314L+ to take the spectra (you use it as a guiding camera) and to guide I only have a QHY6 CCD camera or a ZWO ASI 120mm, both of them have a sensor so small, that in most observations I don't have a guiding star and i'm forced to guide with the same star I'm observing. This is a problem because the star is split in two parts by the slit and this one makes the star to bound from one side of the slit to the other. For example, with AG Dra I have this problem and I loose a lot of light.

But when I have a good guiding star, PHD2 guiding works fine. It works with ASCOM platform and I put the star into the slit with EQMod (my AZ-EQ6 is controlled by computer using ASCOM-EQMod, and an EQDir cable. I also use a gamepad joystick to align the telecope with a star and do the fine movements far from the computer (it works also through EQMod).

The problem is that EQMod doesn't work with Meade LX200. When I had the Meade LX200 I used The Sky to control the telescope, but I did never feel comfortable with this set-up.

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