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asassn-22el deep dimming (more than 1magnitude)

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 9:44 pm
by Hamish Barker

...a star undergoing a deep eclipse. ASASSN-22el (Pan-STARRS PS1 source 102571143989354571 at RA=07:37:35.79, DEC=-04:31:17.2, g=13.3 mag). It was first observed by ASAS-SN on UT 2014-12-16. Presently, ASASSN-22el has more than ~5500 data points.

ASASSN-22el has a quiescent mean magnitude of g~13.3 (V~13.1). The latest ASAS-SN photometry shows that ASASSN-22el started to dim around UT 2022-03-31. As of UT 2022-04-01 ASASSN-22el has faded to g~14.4. In the full ASAS-SN light curve there was a previous episode of dimming in the V-band data. On UT 2017-09-19 ASASSN-22el faded to V~14.0, and returned to the mean V-band magnitude by 2017-09-23. Additionally, ASASSN-22el has been observed in sector 7 and 34 of TESS, and has periodic, low-amplitude (~0.1 mag) variability on a timescale of ~4.7 days. "

The slightly southerly declination should mean easy access for spectroscopy from both northern and southern latitudes. Not sure who might lead a campaign on it but I think it will be worth anyone who can make a decent signal to noise spectrum at magnitude 14+ having a shot at it.

Re: asassn-22el deep dimming (more than 1magnitude)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:54 am
by Hamish Barker
well it was a quite short dimming. it is back up at its usual magnitude.